Kinky Scat Girls

The home of the Internet's Filthiest Fetish Queens.

Miss Ruby Farts

Ruby Feeds a Huge Load to Her Human Toilet

Ruby enters the scene with her toilet laying on the floor. His body is fully Saran wrapped and cock caged (you watch the keys dangle off her necklace and in his face in some scenes!) Wearing open seat panties that frame her plump behind, Ruby straddles her toilet chair asking her toilet if he is thirsty? Releasing her golden shower first, her toilet attempts to catch every drop but ends up having his mask soaked thoroughly. When it’s time to shit Ruby places her feet on her toilets Saran wrapped chest making him multitask as both a toilet and Squatty potty. Pacing the portions, Ruby keeps a conversation going with her human toilet. As he chews, swallows, they chat and it repeats. Any pieces that begin to slide off his face are quickly placed back in his mouth with the use of her tongs. Ruby gets off her chair and kneels next to her toilet to face him with the tongs discussing the flavor changing from sweet to only mildly sweet. Ruby talks about enjoying a baked potato and chili the day prior, all while remarking her shit doesn’t smell very sweet! The tongs Ruby has been using are getting dirty so she has the toilet stick out his tongue to scrape the remainders off and then lick them more. After that cleaning, Ruby enjoys having him suck her dirtied glove covered fingers. Ruby gets back on her chair releasing she has even more shit (and a messy trickle of more piss) for her toilet! She kneels next to her toilet facing him once more to hand feed …making sure to scrape every last bit off the toilets mask-no wasting any of my waste!

Ruby squats right over his face to have her ass crack cleaned by his tongue to a pristinely clean condition, then shows off a clean Asshole up close for the camera. But wait there’s more? The ass cleaning must repeat! The toilet is finally freed from the Saran Wrap-but just stay caged while Ruby goes home and prepares for the next days toilet feeding. The scenes alternate camera views, repeating in rotations the most amazing angles for your crowing pleasure!