Indulge in your favorite 5'0 125 pounds MILF from West Virginia
I welcome 99% of fetishes including scat of course. Iâm wild and crazy energetic! I love risky public videos outside, in stores or in hotel rooms.
Uni farts
Inserting air inside me peeing pooping and lots of farts! Even squirted a little enema juice from my ass
Uni hotel mess
Hotel play peeing pooping smearing on wall then leaving
Uni peeing and pooping on feet
Peeing and pooping on my dirty feet
Uni peeing and pooping my pants
Went outside to pee and poop my pants smear on my shirt and face
Uni poop in store
Pooping my pants in store rolling on ground goin up to speak to people with shit showing
Uni poop peeing panties in front of people
Went to store peed myself pooped my pants while talking to them went inside asked for tissue because I shit myself after went to another store and brought items after smearing it on my face
Uni brownies
From start to finish making pee and poop brownies peeing pooping snot spit and more
Uni poopy hair
Peeing and pooping then smearing it in my hair
Uni poop smear
Peeing pooping but first inserting toys inside my ass with twerking then smearing and rubbing my vagina
Trying to pee and poop in a trash bag then smearing all over my breast Tina and Susie after I suck my shitty toy cock and count you down to cum
Uni digging out shit
Talking to you get you all hot and bothered instructing you to two your cock out and more then I spit slob twerk inserting my fingering all in my ass grabbing shit after I smear over my breast Tina and Susie while pushing and giving you ass winks
Uni Ella poops after eating ice cream
Pushing and pooping peeing pooping and more pushing smelling the tissue
Uni peeing + pooping in daddy's shirt and gag
Uni peeing and pooping in daddy's shirt and gag
Peeing pooping myself gagging spitting sucking jacking my toy cock with smearing
Uni"Ella outside pooping panties
Went outside peed and pooped myself packed them up to ship off
Uni farts and smell
Farting with my clothes on in a chair and smelling it
Uni pee and poop
Peeing pooping inserting a object in my ass
Uni on live call
Peeing pooping twerking on live call
Uni on back
Peeing and pooping like I'm giving birth then showing you my tight vagina
Uni and stranger
Went in store found a stranger to help fuck up hotel peeing pooping smearing gum all over the place and leaving the mess
Uni poop play
Peeing pooping my pants and panties then smearing all over myself and twerkin
Uni custom smearing on jacket
Peeing pooping then smearing all over my jacket
Uni prolapse
Peeing on my toy cock then ass winks and ass fingering
Uni in public poop pants
Went out into town to poop myself on my car then went in store after came home and played in it with twerking and dancing
Uni poop and pack
Peeing and pooping in jar packing up for fan
Uni quick hotel pee and leave
Just peeing before leaving
Uni shittin from the toilet
Peeing and pooping backwards
Uni shittin all over the hotel
Peeing and pooping ever where then hanging my panties up and leaving the room
Uni poop peep with feet
Peeing pooping then smearing my feet in it
Uni rushing to poop
Almost pooped myself diarrhea with ass winks
Uni poop on feet
Showing my ass rubbing it twerkin it then peeing pooping on my feet and smearing over my body
Daddy and Uni messing up the bathroom
Had daddy pee on the bathroom floor before I shit and smeared it all over the place
Uni just shittin
Shittin with ass wink
Uni poop
Uni spit and shit
Spitting all over my breast Tina and Susie then inserting my fingers in my ass shittin on my feet and cumming
On live call with fan joi him thru out the video pee pooping eating tasting smashing my face in it gagging spit dirty talk while inserting my hand in my ass
Uni being a naughty girl
Peeing and pooping cumming while mommy is at the bus stop hurry open your mouth before you get caught
Uni got the shits
Peeing and pooping cuming got the fucking shits
Uni up close times
Peeing pooping up close with lots of ass wink and spitting
Uni food play
Putting strawberry syrup on my body with whip cream and suckinf on corn on the cob cucumber the I pee poop anal and smearing
Uni being disgusting in the public bathroom
Went to the public bathroom to poop some on my fingers taste lick all over it and oops my hand ended up in the toilet and my mouth
Uni enema with tinsel and clamps!
Peeing and pooping and pushing cum out up close
Uni fuckin up the bathroom
Went in to pee in the trash can poop on the floor smear it on the seat insert it and lick objects and leaving
Uni masterbating and peein in public
Masterbating in the store parking lot until I squirt with a squash then pulling over on the high to pee n pooping
Joi you to cum as I smear shit on my socks
Peeing and pooping in the toilet then sitting down trying to push darts out my tight little ass and vagina until I poop on my feet then I smear shit on each pair I put on and joi you to cum twice as I spit and speak to you but first don't you wanna see the corn come out my ass
Uni Pantyhose
Starting off my showing you my sexy Pantyhose that I am gonna poop in I spit and teaser you then lay on my back and pee and pooping them aftee that I smear it all over my legs and masterbate until I cum then to finally finish it off I remove them and tell you to cum
Uni the giant
Went under attack Jackâs tiny people tried to save him so I stepped on their tiny bodies spit peed pooped on them then inserted them in a shit container for videos to come
Had to shit and pee then my tight ass hole started Farting lots of farts pushing and grunts
Bathroom and public pee
Peeing on the floor catching a turd out my ass slurping pee licking applying my lip stick then getting daddy to pee on me and I walk in gas station
Giant uni
Giant uni pees and poop her Pantyhose then then sit on your tiny face step on you and rub it it
Uni on her back
Peeing pooping and giving lots of ass and vagina winks making my holes fart then masturbating with toy and pushing out cum without touching myself
Uni shits
Peeing and pooping after eating broccoli and cheese
Uni chip poop dip
Peeing and pooping making chip poop dip for fan then smearing onto my breasts and spitting on them
Uni poop and cum
Custom) eating breakfast and drink coffee then I joi you pee poop fuck my ass moan poop on my toy and pee then I cum so fuckin hard
Uni live call play
live call with fan peeing pooping sucking my cucumber and fuckin my ass then inserting it in my mouth
Uni twerk and poop
Twerking making my tight vagina fart then Peeing pooping twerking more
Uni milk play
Pouring milk and strawberry syrup all over my body peeing on my back twerking and begging you to fuck me. Merry Christmas!
Uni twerk and pooping
stripping to pee and poop while twerking and smear over myself
Uni outside poop and play
Went outside to pee and poop my white one piece smear it over myself then take a hot dirty shower
Uni poop desperation
Almost pooped myself peeing pooping and then stepping in it
Uni poop in snow
Peeing and pooping in the snow and tasting it
Uni fart and ass wink
Peeing and pooping my panties and making lots of farts with ass winks
Uni poop outside
Peeing and pooping outside then almost pooped myself once I got in the house so I pooped in toilet
Uni playing in the toilet
Peeing and pooping on the toilet catching some poop then I start to smear it all over my body grabbing poop from the toilet some more and playing then I go outside and poop and as I enter the house I almost poop on myself
Uni playing with food
Peeing and pooping then chewing food spiting it all over myself and rubbing one out
Uni licking poop
Peeing and pooping in public bathroom licking objects then smearing the poop and leaving
Uni public diaper wear
Went into stores and spoke to humans with my diaper on peeing and pooping them asking for help buying items farting in front and burping after I smear poop in the bathroom I go to another place wipe my mask on my ass and go buy items and fart
Uni gummy poop pack
Peeing and pooping gummies to pack up for a fan
(Custom )
Farting and joi for a fan
Uni pack and poop
Peeing pooping in container for a fan to enjoy
Uni swap bath
Taking a swamp bath peeing pooping in container letting the water run and I smear poop all over me act like shrek burp and play with Mudd and swamp items
Almost pooped myself rushing to poop and fart in a container
Uni peeing ,pooping in my sexy lingerie
Teasing you in my sexy lingerie while sucking my toy cock spitting everywhere after I pee and poop my sexy tights ripped them insert my toy in my tight shitty ass my fingers and tell you to cum
Uni catching poop
Outside peeing and catching poop for fan
Uni and cherry poop and smear
Getting pooped on by my bestie
Uni desperately holding poo
Desperately holding my poop and pee then I poop everywhere I then give you lots of ass winks and farts
Uni peeing on cherry
Pee , scissoring , bondage & more with the bestie
Uni squirt out poop
Peeing pooping them smashing
Uni twerk shave bath play
Twerking nude then I pee on my teddy bear slurp it up poop smash my ass on it twerk on it after I pour hot wax on my neck and breast then I shave my vagina under arm pits legs ass I bath
Uni poop in tea bottle
Peeing and pooping in a tea bottle for fan
Up close poop
Thought I had to fart but almost poop myself up close poop and ass winks
Uni gaping farting prolapse
Prolapse farting gaping while using my toy
Uni hold poop
Holding my poop while I set up and then I let loose pushing and pushing toying my ass and winking my tight ass hole while shit fall out
Uni catching poop in cup
Peeing and pooping in a cup
Uni desperately holding poop
Desperately trying to hold my poop but couldn't take it and let it fall out
Uni reading a magazine while sitting on toilet
Siting on the toilet reading a magazine
Uni peeing on my jacket and panties,pooping in my sexy lingerie
Having you undress me then I pee on my fleece jacket and poop in a cup for fan and slurp my panties up after covering my face with my panties
Uni shaving and catching poop
Undressing rubbing my myself I slowly pee as I am rubbing my tight vagina I poop in a bottle smear shit on my feet and smell my poop telling you how good it smells then I shave my holes giving you ass winks and mor
Uni masterbating with a bottle
Being a naughty girl and masterbating with my bottle desperately holding my pee until I pee in the bottle taste it pour it inside me and push it out
Uni outside sitting on your face making you drink my pee
Outside smoking then holding my pee sucking my toy cock then I can't hold it anymore and pee NY panties I then remove my butt plug insert my toy in my ass and shit all over it smear it on my clothes and sit all On your face and make you drink it up
Uni outside pooping my tights
Went outside to smoke but the wind was acting so I put my toy in my tights and read a magazine and cum hard while laying on the tree I then pee and poop my tights smear over my legs
Uni eating hot oatmeal
Eating hot oatmeal then pouring some on my vagina spitting and rubbing on my body i fart and smell it I turn around and pee poop smear in
Uni up close ass winks and poop
Upclose almost pooped myself ass winks and poop
Uni baking a poop cake with sexy heels on
Teasing you with my sexy heels on as I make a poop cake first I tease you then I put all ingredients in bowl I pee my sexy heels and panties I poop in the cake batter and mix together using my feet I then take a hot poop chocolate shower after I put cake in oven show you my breast Tina and Susie burn them while dancing In my heels
Uni peeing pooping and playing with dolly
Rubbing Dollys vagina and spitting on it before I pee and poop on her and my fleece jacket I insert my fingers I side her and then grind our vagina together until I cum
Uni the poop giant
I'm a giant I tell you how I'm goin to smash your body with my big gaint feet drown you with my large pee and giant poop in your mouth I take my panties off step on you and knock you out
Uni outside masterbating with humans around
Outside masterbating toying my ass spitting and speaking to you before I pee all on your mouth lay on my back and push my tight holes out
Uni outside smearing poop while being watched
Outside with my blue dress on I open my legs and poop I smear it all over my body then I see humans show you and pee I insert my fingers in my ass and smear more
Uni holding and peeing on feet
Desperately holding my pee while I joi you masterbating and sucking my toy I then explode and pee all over my feet and count you down to cum so hard all in my mouth
Uni being disgusting in bathroom
smearing shit and peeing on the bathroom floor licking object and more Come see how disgusting I am
Uni swap bath time
Teasing you and having you undress me I pee and poop in a container then take a hot scat shit bath I smear it all over me then I make imprints with my body I swim and more
Uni outside pee
Peeing outside my tights
Uni outside live poop call
Outside peeing pooping while on call
Uni outside grinding my tight vagina on the grassand more
Went outside to pee poop smear on my socks feet shirt hump the grass stuff my sock in my mouth joi you speak dirty to you as I mash you with my ass and feet
Uni shaving masterbating farting and cumming 3 times can you keep up
Shaving masterbating grinding my panties spitting speaking to you farting before I wet my panties and dress I spank my ass and vagina with a whip before Insert it in my ass and cum 3 times
Uni messing up my fleece jacket
Peeing pooping out watermelon all over my fleece jacket with lots if farts and ass wink
Uni messing my fleece jacket up and socks
Applying my lipstick and socks on then I get you ready to play masterbating with a cake peeing in bucket mixing with my stinky socks prolapse ass winks and more
Uni desperation
Desperately holding my pee and poop begging you to let me go once you do I pee laying on my back and poop on all fours in my panties I grind and masterbate while speaking dirty to you finish off showing you my holes
Giant uni in a Diaper
Being a giant spitting on you sitting on your Face Calling you names before I poop my Diaper and smear it all over my socks
Uni peeing my shorts and more in a box outside
Because I'm so tiny I'm i got in a box peed on my banana ate it pooped my shorts smashed it with my butt and feet while speaking dirty to you
Uni being a good whore for her mastee
Pull3d over to suck cock and pee
Uni prolapse winks and poop
Prolapse ass winks then pooping out a huge load showing you while playing with it in my hand
Uni desperately holding pee outside until I go in my lingerie
Only was supposed to be desperately holding my pee begging you to let me pee in your mouth and ended up masterbating peeing and pooping my lingerie removing it and making a leaf shit veggie wrap
Uni giving you what you want
Trying to hold my poop didn't have enough time and I let loose lots of ass winks farts smearing and smashing
Uni outside pooping a large turd
Outside telling you what ima do for the video then I poop and pee mix it on a stick and put in bucket for fan
Uni sitting on the toilet filling it up
Couldn't hold it any longer sitting on toliet filling it up with poop while giving you ass winks
Uni veggie desperation food gag
Holding my pee for you as I eat with my hands puke it up over my body slurp coffee and gag myself with a large cucumber then I pee my panties slurp it up poop my panties and jerk my big veggie with it
Uni wedge sniffing panty foot play
Giving myself Wedges stuffing my panties in my mouth sniffing them and licking before ass spread before peeing pooping on my shirt smearing it with my feet lots of farts
Uni peeing in air shaving with a hot bath
Getting in the tub laying back peeing so far in the air then pooping a large pile of shit I smear it all over then I clean off and the tub run a hot bubble bath shave my body and then spray it off
Uni peeing in front of Clerk
Going in store with daddys pee on me speaking to owner begging to use the bathroom desperately trying to hold my pee before I pee my shorts in front of him go to bathroom flush my feet and walk out order while being a mess
Uni fart with shit
Thought I had to fart went to show you and shit myself my pretty outfit and panties have poop on them now
Uni pooping myself
Then went outside to poop a large one for fan
Uni peeing on highway and public bathroom floor
Got out on Side of High way with cars riding pass peeing
Disgusting public bathroom play peeing on the floor and more come look
Uni public bathroom play
Public bathroom play don't you wanna see my holes body chubby ass in my tight shorts as I do disgusting acts
Desperately holding my pee and poop as I drink coffee then I go outside hold it some more pee poop myself roll all in it with my fleece jacket on
Uni banana scat play
Sucking spitting all over my banana tits Tina n Susie I then fuck my ass until I shit/pee smear it every make a SCAT banana Sunday finish off by drinking my pee washing my body off with a shirt
Uni outside twerking and pee
Outside pouring water on my chubby ass twerking in my red thongs peeing them speaking to you then I poop smear on bottom of bottle
Uni scat pillow play
Talking to you dirty spitting all over my breast Tina and Susie grinding my vagina on the pillow I turn around twerk in them say bad words I then pee and poop my panties allowing it to fall on the pillow I grind my vagina and bounce my ass I SCAT play with it stuff ny panties in my mouth until I have a organism
Uni smearing poop on dolly
Rubbing my dollys perky boobs slapping them spitting all over her I then insert my hand in her diaper play I get on top if her and poop pee then I start to stomp her with ny shitty feet
Uni desperation again
Desperately holding my pee and poop then I can no longer hold it and I speak to you as I play
Uni disgusting bathroom play
Being disgusting in the public bathroom peeing onnthe floor in the toliet spitting on the wall and more
Uni pee and poop fart
Getting on all four to pee poop fart and stomp it come see over
Uni getting gagged by her master
taking a gagging from my master like a good little slave whore does choking up from his pee he slap me choke me with his cock while I suck his ball I love being a disgusting whore
Uni and dolly playing
Slowly moaning teasing you slapping myself as I undress dolly I grind on her fuck her holes lick her climb on top to finish off my leaking all over her
Uni outside playing before I get a knock at the door
Outside teasing you with my bottle as I rub pudding on me I go up and down round and round on it I pee poop start to smear and get a knock on the door wanna see more click link or ask
Uni scat diaper play
Turning around and around in my diaper getting it wet and dirty before I lay on my back and have you remove it I place it on my face covering my glasses and body before I scat play with corn I then stand up and mash you with my feet and ass cum see more
Uni banana diaper play
Twerking in my diaper spitting on my breast Tina and Susie I then insert a banana In both my wholes slap the shit out of my vagina with it I eat it all up then I finish off by getting my diaper wet
Uni and dolly swamp bath
Having you take your cock out before I pee and poop on dolly smear it all over us run bath water get it dirty insert my toy in her grind her vagina on my leg then use her white shirt to wash us
Uni wedge diaper scat smearing play
Giving myself a diaper wedge then I rip a hole In it getting your ready I pee poop while pulling the wedge harder i pull it so hard it rips I SCAT smear and play come see
Uni public bathroom poop
Desperately trying to unbuttoned my pants before I poop I then try to stand and poop couldn't so I set down on the toilet and pushed pushed finished off with ass winks
Uni vandalism hotel and more
Saving poop pee spit and gum in a container after I save a week's worth I take it to a hotel and vandalize it I poop on the mirror and floor then I smear it everywhere after I smear it om my face check out go to a local store with it on my face a wipe it off as humans walk past
Uni desperation diaper
Don't tell mommy I made a mess in my diaper come see me poop myself smash my feet in it and have you change me
Public bathroom play being disgusting as always
Uni poo
Almost pooped myself
Uni bathroom
Peeing on the floor trash can and being disgusting
Uni pooping
Catching you sniff my chair while your mommy shower I make you sniff my stink ass smear poop On it have you lick it telling you if you don't I'll tell your mommy what I caught you doin farting in your mouth then joi you to cum
Uni toothbrush farting
Farting peeing and rubbing my tooth brush in my ass after coming back from the gym
Uni pushing out poop
Listen closely to the shit sliding out my ass
Uni poooo
Thought it was just a fart and nope poop myself then I try to hold it and just couldn't
Uni shrinking Sarah and smashing her
While out running errands I run into Sarah a bully I shrink her bring her home taunt her by farting spitting all over her then insert her in my pants and smash her with poop and pee
Uni pee and slurp
Spitting all over myself as i suck my breast Susie then I pee my shorts but I catch it with 2 bowls slurp and spit it out put my tits Tina and Susie in it
Uni having you sniff her ass
Bending over trying to find My earring I catch you looking at me so I have you put your face inside my ass fart and poop on your face
Uni upclose pooo
Up close poop and winks
Uni making a mess in her white panties
Getting you ready before I pee my clean white panties and socks I make a terrible mess as I give myself a wedge
Uni getting blackmailed by my stepbro
Sitting down getting blackmailed by my stepbro he have me pee my panties and pants stick Sarah inside my ass poop my panties
Uni in public bathroom
Being disgusting in the public bathroom I pee on the floor spit on wall step in the pee with my boots then give them a lick
Uni desperation on toliet
Desperately trying to hold my pee but I cant so I undress my bottom half sit on toliet backwards and let loose
Uni in time out
Role play I drop my age to any age)
Daddy put me in the corner for peeing on myself but then I find out he wants me to pee and poop in his mouth to get out time out and I do
Uni food and poop
Peeing pooping myself before I indulge in food and gag puke it up
Bathroom play licking my boot and being disgusting
Uni oiling herself up
Being a flirt I oil my whole body have you slap my ass a little being sweet speaking to you while I spit over my body I then beg to pee myself I oil up so more before I out you down to cum in my mouth
Peeing and pooping on plate
Uni sitting on toliet
Sitting on the toilet peeing then my master pee right on my tight little vagina while guest are in the living room.
Uni belittling you
Speaking to you dirty as i belittle you smashing your face in my ass making you eat my shit all up
Uni toliet poop
Couldn't hold it in anymore I explode and give you ass winks
Uni"Ella public bathroom play
Being disgusting like always then I apply my lipstick to finish it off book your public or wherever custom/live video
Uni desperation for daddy
Desperately holding my pee and poop for daddy then he tells me he will take me to the park if I go in my panties so I do I twerk in them and smear all over my body (role play for my pervs) welcome 99%fetishes
Oiling My body up for you before I bounce my chubby ass on your cock fart and fart grind on my bed fuck my holes and more farts
Uni farting
Farting and describing it
Uni spitting and peeing
Holding my pee and poop for you whole I spit all over my breast Tina and Susie I then pee my pants and try to push put poop well just come find out
Uni peeing
Showing you my hair vagina and peeing in your mouth
Uni ass winks and more
Seeing if you wanna see how big my poop is I have you lick my ass hole as I give you winks slaps and more
Sitting on toliet
Sitting on the toliet speaking to you before I undress and go in your mouth slap my ass and finish off by grinding my vaging on the toliet but first I poop so large it hurt my ass ooh yes I liked my boots
Farting in my shorts
Uni pooping her panties
Peeing and pooping my panties while I twerk the poop off them then rub my vagina
Uni packing panties for fan
Peeing and pooping outside then pulling my panties in my ass so it can get a streak bounce it and pack it all up for a fan
Uni public bathroom
Just being disgusting
Uni being a stepmother
Role play for fan as I am his stepmother he gets a call from school and keep from getting in trouble he sniff my ass and eat my farts as I taunt him
Uni bath Time
Making a mess in the bath tub I pig out with food I pee and eat it all up then I shave masterbate and more
Uni desperation outside
Desperately holding my pee I ask you where should I pee decide to go outside and pee my pants socks slurp the pee show me feet then cum as the neighbors sit on their porch
Uni messing with stepsis
Shrinking my little stepsis and farting on her because she always complaining to our parents for stinking and not showering I poop on her and smash it while use her face as a butt plug
Uni peeing her panties
Peeing my panties for a fan for 3 data then I pack them seal them and send then off to him with dirty socks
Uni working out
Working out then I run into a fan and I talk him into leaving the gym come back to my house and do me but he doesn't know I stink and gonna make him eat my shit smell my farts and if he doesn't he will pay custom video for fan
Uni poop and gag
Shooting poop out my ass then gagging myself in my fingers
Uni fist and poop
Fisting myself for a fan
Being disgusting in the public bathroom for a fan
Pooping to see how big it is
Uni playing
Playing with my toys then oops I pee my panties hurry and change them before daddy catches me
Uni gag prolapse
Gagging puking pooping and prolapse
Your just a small ant a nothing I take my clothes off and smash you with my feet and giant pee uni the giant
Uni hiding Jenna
Hiding Jenna in my stinky ass I taunt her by farting peeing and pooping all in her mouth she think she can get away but I stop her just come watch it
Public bathroom Was out shopping and got the shits and farts should I smear it on the walls next time it's been awhile
Uni the witch, punishment of the cheater
Uni the witch, punishment of the cheater After finding out my bestie's girlfriend Helen cheated on her, I decided to get some revenge. So I turned her into some panties I'm gonna have a lot of stinky fun with. Come watch me abuse the fuck out of it.
Uni pooping peeing
Peeing and then shooting out poop
Uni almost got a orange stuck in my ass
Sweaty food play I almost got a orange stuck in my ass
come watch me get sweaty with daily workout. Afterwards i have some fun with some nice fruit i give some extra flavor. To top it off i let loose right on my porch
Uni packing panties and poop for fans
Packing up poop pee puke and panties for fans I stuff one pair of panties in my butt and spit other video I puke and poop and pack panties up 3 in 1 video
Farting twerking sitting on the toilet i poop and pee fart more and pack panties for fan
Our personal session
in this POV video we start off your first session with me pretty typically. after a little bit, since you were so sweet on the phone and in person we get little bit more .... "intimate"
Emergency stop
i thought i could wait for my pot man but my urge to shit had other plans
Uni In occupied bathroom
bein gross in a batroom while trying to avoid being caught
Oops uni had a accident
while doing stuff around the house iknew i needed to go but i didnt want to waste time sittin on the toilet so i came up with an alternative
Oops I had a accident
Uni smelly ass worship
smelly ass worship"
come worship my ass while i release fart after unrelenting fart
Uni findom degradation
findom degredation"
i degrade you in my own filthy way while i drain your wallet and i let you drain your balls
Uni packing fan poop
Quick poop to send off to a fan
Uni had a oopsie
After emptying my bladder I planned to prepare a customer's panties by farting in them to get them real stinky, but i got them messy too by accident
Uni farts and licking ass
Packing a fans panties I fart In them followed by
rimjob cuckold JOI
i make you sit there, watch, and jack it while i pleasure my slave with my tounge
Uni Relaxing out waiting for you to let me relieve my self in
Relaxing out waiting for you to let me relieve my self in my shorts
Outside desperately trying to hold my poop and pee but I just couldn't so I pee my shorts and feet smash it give you ass winks while outside for a fan he can't wait to get them
"Virtual play"
While in an actual video call I play with my dildo while I piss and shit on a plate and then smear it all over. The whole time I have him jack it and copy me on the other side of the screen.
Uni Dominating a
Dominating a "little" low life
After I bring in a new slave I puke on his cock even tho it's little. I smear the puke on my vagina have him lick me through it. Afterwards I piss and shit in his mouth. Also the whole time I keep degrading him and calling him slurs.
Uni cock flavoring
COCK flavoring
Come with me as I encourage you to jack off you tiny cock and i have you imagine me pleasuring you with a candy bar substitute that I give some extra flavor
Uni Dirty dildo riding
Dirty dildo riding
In the JOI, i start off having you jack off while I deep throat a dildo to the point of gagging, eventually I get the urge to use the bathroom and from there everything gets.........dirtier
Uni desperation in public bathroom
Desperately trying to hold my poop I just can't so I hop and bounce before I let it all out on the public toliet and my tight brown ass hole
Uni outside jerkin you're cock
Outside jerkin your cock I spit speak to you pee all on your cock before I leave a surprise
Uni pulled over to stuff My panties in my vagina
Pulled over to apply my favorite red lip I have to pee so I pee my panties and stuff them inside my tight vagin
Uni wanna know is this freaky enough
Is this freaky enough for you speaking to you telling you how I bet you wish this was your cock I was grinding/peeing on as I take my butt plugg in and out I soak my panties after tryin to stuff them inside me
Uni sitting on the toilet and pooping
Before heading out I take a large shit with farts as I am almost finish get a knock at the door and they just can't take the smell doesn't matter I keep pooping then clean the mess up
Our second special session
Our second special session I eat with you before I stroke your cock I gag myself until I spit up everywhere turn around pee my pants have you sniff my ass finish off pooping on my white panties and your face
Car play then peeing while cars drive past followed by daddy's little girl he eats me until I cum so hard in his mouth i then get on all fours get pounded and I have you to cuckold well don't you wanna lick it up
Uni smearing and peeing herself around humans in public
Saved poop for a fan I then went out in the public to shop and pee myself while I smear it all over my cute little white outfit I speak with humans and more
Uni"Ella drive-thru
Ordering food while eating shitting and puking then I go pump gas with it all over me ooh yeah I pee myself aswell
Catching daddys poop/pee I then go out in public eat it up then I decide to pee/ poop my pretty classy outfit while cars are driving past and eat that aswell wanna see me eat shit well come on
Don't you want uni to make you cum
Come see me gag on your fat cock while you make me hold my pee i make you cum right before I pee all over that fat cock.
Applying my lipstick before I be disgusting
Licking and peeing in public bathroom
Uni public pee complications
Just peeing on the balcony around humans and in the public bathroom
Uni eating and pooping
Holding my poop and pee while I clean up and eat then i let loose in the trash can
Uni tried to hold it but just couldn't
Just relaxing desperately trying to hold my poop/pee I pass gas brush my teeth before I realize I can no longer hold it and let loose in the trash can
Uni finally got to shit
First day digging shit out my ass due to me being so constipated but after waking up to some coffee well just look how long that thing is
Uni quick wet poop
Pooping out large wet shit
Uni gas station poop
Pooping at the gas station I just couldn't hold it
Uni pooping on bratty sis sandwich
Working out then I get stopped just to make my sis a sandwich she is such a brat so I take and put the bread down my pants fart/poop call her down and smash it while making her eat it
Uni got shits at the gas station again
Got the shits once again at the gas station my ass just let's it flow right out
Uni making fart and sucking your cock
Farting then describing the smell to you followed by Me sucking your cock and peeing all over it
Uni being a mean brat sis
Saving poop and pee up for a fan to smear all over my bratty car and her work shoes before giving her a shitty sandwich
Uni being mean to you
Belittling you like the low life you are I speak trash to you while humiliating your little tiny cock as I pee and poop on you
Uni using her tongue
Applying my lipstick before I get disgusting with my tongue
Uni and your session
Our session together having you lick the shit out my ass and feet
Uni teaser
Uni's teasing
With me knowing what you want to see and do, I treat you the way you deserve to be treated. All while showing you what you want me to do to you, but will never get the chance to experience
Uni have you obsessed
im getting the panties and socks you've been dying over ready. After modeling them alittle i decied to give it the "uni touch" if you get what i mean.