Kinky Scat Girls
The home of the Internet's Filthiest Fetish Queens.
yoga and SHIT
mornings are for yoga�or are they for delicious smelly shits??!?
getting ready for a little yoga this morning and the urge hits�i grab a plate and let it go!
featuring close ups of my stinky pile of shit, so close you can see last night�s dinner!!
i love to start my day off with the smell of my filth, happy Saturday y�all!
Layla Lee
I held my poop in for you
I held my poop in all day for you and now I am ready to let it all out. The relief is sooo good.
Nerdy Faery
The scat bitch and her scat whore
Larry is always good in pooping monster turds, but she insists I do so as well. I am an ulcer patient so I cant push it out, but I had to try, thatâs what she wants. so I poop a small amount but use her monster poop as a dildo as my apology. She is pleased and spreads my poop on her ass
Shit standing on tiptoe
2 videos where I shit standing on tiptoe and take my shit to the toilet and flush it
Octopussy and fuck ass
I woke up at midnight and so press,I think it's due to the beans I ate yesterday night,I quickly set up my ring light and pick 2 of my dildo and set for the fun,I fuck the poop out with the first anal bead dildo and I keep on pooping non stop,it very huge and soft the I use my rainbow octopus dildo to fuck my ass again then poop and poop,it's very awesome,I will highly appreciate you guys giving me tips.
Scat Slut-Orgasma Celeste hard fuck and extreme shit throating
ScatSlut Celeste