Kinky Scat Girls

The home of the Internet's Filthiest Fetish Queens.


FRENCH wife will make you a toilet slave

This is a French speaking video. An English spoken version of this clip is available – Get it here:

* CAVIAR - Ta femme veut faire de toi une toilette humaine *

Regarde ce que j'ai acheté chéri! Tu sais pourquoi j’ai acheté cette chaise d’aisance? Eh bien … j’ai tout découvert ton fétiche de détraqué. Au début, je voulais simplement emballer mes affaires et m’en aller. Mais en réfléchissant j’ai vu un moyen de tirer profit de ta perversité.

Tu vois … J’ai toujours voulu changer de carrière alors voici venu le temps de le faire! Toi et moi allons travailler ensemble. Tu vas devenir une toilette humaine. Je vais t’apporter de maison en maison pour que chaque femme de la ville puisse chier sur ton visage! Y at-il une meilleure façon de relaxer et d’avoir du plaisir pour une femme de carrière épuisée après une longue et frustrante journée de travail? Je ne crois pas! Ce service va être si populaire, je suis prête à parier qu’il y aura une énorme demande pour ce service.

Ne perdons pas de temps, il faut te mettre tout de suite en action! Je vais chier sur ton visage ici et maintenant! N’essaie pas de t’échapper, tu vas devenir ma toilette et je me fiche de savoir si tu te sens prêt ou non. Il te suffit de regarder mon cul parfait … Ne veux-tu pas déguster ce qui va en sortir? Plus ta bite deviens dure et plus tu désires avoir ma merde chaude dans ta sale gueule!

A partir de maintenant tu es ma toilette personnelle. Je ne pourrai jamais te considérer comme mon mari! Prépare-toi à manger beaucoup plus de merde et de pisse car tu vas commencer ton nouveau travail dès demain!!

* Gros plan sur ma merde à la fin de la vidéo.


Look at what I bought honey! You know why I got this potty chair right? Well… I discovered everything about your sick fetish. At first I wanted to just pack my things and go. But then I saw a way to take advantage of this.

See… I’ve always wanted to change my career and now I found what I want to do! You and I are going to work together. You are gonna become the biggest toilet slave in town! I’m going to bring you from house to house so women can shit on your face after a long and frustrating day of work! Is there a better way to have fun? I don’t think so! This is going to be so popular, there will be a huge demand for this service.

Let’s waste no time and do it! I’m going to shit on your face right here, right now! Don’t try to escape, you are gonna become my toilet and I don't care if you feel ready or not. Just look at my perfect ass… don’t you wanna eat what’s gonna come out of it? Your dick is hard and the hornier you become, the more you desire my warm shit!

Come here so I can shit and piss on your face! Lick everything clean now! From now on consider yourself as my personal toilet. I will never call you my husband again! Get ready to eat a lot more shit and piss!!

*Close up of my poop at the end of the video.

Goddess Tempest

Greatest Poop Eaters 3 Movie

Greatest Poop Eaters 3 Movie: Whether it is gamer girl is using nerds as toilets again. She is busy with a very important gaming tournament with her friends and as she explains in this video, she can’t be bothered to leave the gaming room to use the toilet. Not while there is a nerd mouth to lick her ass and be ready to be pooped into.

How often does guys like him get the chance to taste the ass of a beautiful gamer girl. That’s why he keeps his open mouth there when she start to relieve herself as this gives him the chance to taste her shit as her turds slide into his mouth.

He will never have her respect as she is way out of his league but at least he gets to eat shit coming out of a very pretty girl.

After swallowing her entire load of multiple turds he licks her asshole clean, all happening while she plays her online game. Being a toilet for a girl is such bliss.

It’s amazing to see her lower back and body movements as well as contractions while she is shitting in his mouth.

Or what a first date between lovers looks like. That special dinner that involves amazing Scat, Toilet Slavery between a couple of people to make the night truly memorable.

While her date is rimming her she buckle from pleasure as his tongue is probing and cleaning her anus.

As she let go of her inhibitions she start to poop in his mouth in order to give him the best dinner ever. She smiles down at him while he chew her turds and it’s quite clear she enjoy watching him eat her shit a lot.